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2019-2020 Program Information Coming Soon!



Green Mountain Academy was founded in 2014 for one very important reason; creating opportunities for dedicated youth athletes to excel in their sport. It was decided from the beginning we would build a premium club by using the most professional, highest certified, intelligent, kind, and passionate coaches dedicated to personal improvement. Our coaches are the heart of what makes our organization so great. We celebrate these fine individuals by paying above average wages with tuition reimbursement for continued education and certification courses. Investing in our coaches directly translates into more coachable moments for your athlete(s), lowers risk of injuries, and increases the rate of progression. 


GMA is a US Ski & Snowboard certified club applying the most advanced coaching techniques developed by leading sport science experts. This training system was developed from many years of research with training guidelines for each phase of childhood development. It has been proven that athletes who follow this long term athlete development system have a much higher success rate with fewer injuries. 


As a youth development coach for over 20 years,  I understand quite well how precious our children are, we are constantly seeking what is best for them and strive to provide the highest quality we possibly can while teaching as many life lessons along the way. GMA coaches empower athlete's to support each other, respect self/others, set goals for personal growth, manage fear/risk/reward, overcome adversity, and have fun while representing their sport in a responsible and respectful manner. Our coaching philosophy begins with the highest regard for the safety and well being of our athletes, being a good role model for others, having fun, and striving for excellence in life.


Please feel free to contact me anytime if you have questions. I hope you will consider joining our club and look forward to another great season in Stowe!




Noah Labow

Operations Director

Green Mountain Academy

O: 802-578-4111

2018 - 2019 Winter Program options and pricing

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